You know that insurance is vital if you wish to protect your financial future. What you may not know is that basic insurance policies may not be able to protect your financial security and assets as well as you would like. This is where umbrella insurance comes in. At JT Insurance Services, serving Los Angeles, CA, we know that education is an integral part of making the best insurance decisions. We are here to help you better understand umbrella insurance and if it is right for you.
What Is Umbrella Insurance?
Umbrella insurance is a type of insurance policy that covers you financially if an event exhausts your other insurance policies. For instance, you carry car insurance. However, if you are involved in an accident that drains the limits of your car insurance policy, an umbrella policy would kick in to cover the other expenses. Umbrella policies can include events such as accidents and personal liability, which your auto, homeowners, or renter’s insurance cannot cover.
Who Needs Umbrella Insurance?
Umbrella insurance is an important type of policy for anyone who wishes to cover their assets to the best of their ability. It is for people who understand that basic liability insurance under auto, homeowner’s, and renter’s policies cannot cover an individual 100%. Umbrella insurance is intended for anyone who wants peace of mind knowing that their assets are protected.
How Much Protection Do You Need?
This question is very individual to each person. You will want to discuss this with an insurance representative. In large part, this will be decided based on the assets that you wish to protect.
If you would like to learn more about umbrella insurance, please contact our friendly staff at JT Insurance Services, serving Los Angeles, CA.